Money is the Root of All Evil

When we look into all the problems our world is facing right now, it all comes back to money. I want to create a community that does not need money, that that is organic, sustainable, self-sufficient, and self-growing. A community where science and art flourish; where people are driven by passion, not by money. Where ideas will not be judged on how much money they can make, but on how much good they can do for the community. Intelligence is the most valuable resource that we have; the intelligence of this community will go to build and grow its self, not to make more money for some multinational corporation or to give more control to the shadow government. 

People both left, right, and center are coming together, united around a the cause of resisting the multinational corporations and the shadow government. When we unite we must not fight these entities, but realize what we can do with out them. Show how we can create a world where they are not needed, where love is the ruling power. Where we love each other enough to see through all the lies of politics given to us by the government and the media that is working with them. 

Our planet is in grave danger, and money is like sugar, feeding the cancer of the world. We are now working for something that is feeding the destruction of our planet, if we are to survive we must find a cure for this cancer. I say that we cut off the source feeding the cancer, the money! Just like sugar, where there are good and bad types of sugar, there are also good and bad types of money. We have the processed bleached sugar of money with the current fiat currency that is usury. Just like changing your sugar intake can help fight off the cancer, by reducing consumption and only eating organic local whole sugars. We can help the planet fight off this cancer by reducing our consumption of money and using only organic local orgainc whole(usury free) currency. Recently there is a lot of evidence coming forward to show that cannabis oil cures cancer! Just as we can use cannabis to cure our cancer, so can we use cannabis to cure the planet's cancer!

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